Tuesday, September 24

Fucking off the CWA, historians, and a select population of stringer janglers.

Now you see it...
...Now you don't.
Thanks in no small part to the efforts of the Monocacy Creek TU Chapter, the City of Bethlehem, and the many people who are responsible for the festering sore of shit known as Musikfest (coz flooding is bad for business, and you know they cried about it endlessly, lost revenue, etc etc etc; Money is our God), the dam in Johnson Park along Monocacy Creek is now gone.

Actually, it has been for awhile now. I just don't care to do updates because, honestly, this is pretty lame and I realize now. Not "this" the dam removal, "this" a ridiculous egocentric blog wherein I tell you all about whatever shit I've done gone and bought (that'll be the next few installments).

Anyways, let's get on with the good bits. I tried to be useful, and tried to take some before/after pictures, and figure we'll just post them because that is interesting.

That said, lemme specify when I say "I tried," I sort of forgot to take more corresponding pictures of further up the damed section, which was basically a long, slow, flat and shitty pool unsuitable for anything other than the poor bastard stockies which hadn't been slaughtered, some fat carp, and more ducks than you'd know what to do with.

No more frog water.
Now, however, about two weeks after the breaching, and after the work crews have completed and moved on there's some great riffles, some holding water, and the newfound ability of fish to move further up the creek rather than be stuck at a lowhead dam and able to be murdered easily by the creeling masses of the greater Bethlehem area. Ha ha, fuck you and work for it, assholes.

So, after the cut, way more fucking pictures of things that aren't very important to most people, including alot of very-nearly-the-same perspective pictures.

About four days before breaching.
During the operation.
The day after.
Three weeks. 

About four days before breaching.
During the operation
The day after.
Three weeks.
About four days before breaching.
The day after.

Three weeks.


  1. Nice reporting. YTour friends at TU also have some nice photos and reports on this project. They miss you too!

  2. Thanks for posting these photos. For the seven years that I lived a mile from this dam I never fished that section of the Monacacy, because it always looked dead. NOW it looks like a trout stream.

  3. I'm interested to go back after spring and see what's happened to it. Hopefully with a little bank work, it'll turn into some sort of glorious wonderland for fishes, but no matter what it won't stop fish at a dam for the stringer brigade to decimate the numbers mo easy.

    Anyways, there'll be followups.

    I understand they pulled a couple lowheads out of the LL and Jordan this year, as well.
